Communication skills

This section of learning is aimed at personal development and skills. All of these knowledge and skills based learning titles are to help you communicate, become more confident and support your development in Change and projects delivery. These are the foundation level byte sized learning sessions however, pertinent to all. All sessions will require some reflection, participation and embedding of techniques in the real world to ensure you and your organisation gain value from the learning intervention.

Communication is key – most people believe they communicate well, yet we are all open to being misunderstood, misinterpreted and sometimes, we may even cause offence or upset unintentionally.  There are so many different types and mechanisms of communication these days and at times we are overloaded.  This session is designed to revisit how we communicate, why communication breaks down and how important it is to check understanding.

By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • assess personal communication preferences and why
  • explore responses and checking understanding of the recipient
  • empathise with other’s preferences
  • understand the pitfalls of over-communication.

Interested in this workshop – get in touch today!

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