Change Management 101

This section of learning is aimed at personal development and skills. All of these knowledge and skills based learning titles are to help you communicate, become more confident and support your development in Change and projects delivery. These are the foundation level byte sized learning sessions however, pertinent to all. All sessions will require some reflection, participation and embedding of techniques in the real world to ensure you and your organisation gain value from the learning intervention.

Change is the new constant in most businesses.  With technological advancements and the evolving world we live in, it is imperative that we understand change, our responses to change and managing resistance to change.  This two-hour session is a snapshot of understanding the main principles of change in the workplace, the change curve and navigating change using CITI’s Change Diamond™ as a model.

By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • understand the fundamentals of change
  • use the change curve to assess where people are in relation to their acceptance of change
  • become familiar with the CITI Change Diamond™.

Interested in this session – get in touch today!

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or £750 for up to 5 attendees