Topic 1 of 0
In Progress


In this lesson we discuss:

Scope management is the process by which the deliverables and work to produce them are identified and defined. Identification and definition of the scope must describe what the project will include and what it will not include, i.e. what is in and out of scope.

At the end of this lesson you will be expected to know the following learning outcomes:

7.1 explain how to define scope in terms of outputs, outcomes and benefits (including use of product, cost and work breakdown structures)
7.2 explain how to establish scope through requirements management processes (such as gather, analysis, justifying requirements, and baseline needs)
7.3 explain how to manage scope through configuration management processes (such as planning, identification, control, status accounting, and verification audit)
7.4 explain different stages of a typical change control process (such as request, initial evaluation, detailed evaluation, recommendation, update plans, and implement)