YourCITI Project Space

For those working within projects and anyone starting out in projects

We are very excited to share with you our latest Beyond Method® innovation; a resource centre for project management professionals, those working within projects and anyone starting out in projects.  Here we are showcasing our digital on-line, interactive, bitesize project related topics which are self-paced and accessible anytime, anywhere.

We are busy working on our final content for this page, but we wanted to share with you now a taster of our digital on-line learning activities. We want you to be part of our feedback. This page will grow to provide a comprehensive and dedicated project resource space for your teams, encompassing:

Your pathway to success

Multimedia activities

Project management multi-media learning activities, for just in time use, available anytime or as part of a blended learning experience

Tools and templates

Tools and templates for everyday use. Activities, tools, templates are suitable for both those new to project management and those seeking professional development

Proven techniques

Educational information, best practice news items, articles, abstracts, vlogs, blogs, and much more to enhance knowledge and understanding


A community space for sharing experiences with like-minded professionals and developing corporate best practice.

We have selected an example ‘pick and mix’ of digital screens designed from the ‘Initiate phase’ of project management.
Please note these have been randomly selected, designed to illustrate a presentation of multi-media activities.

YourCITI Project Space has been developed to meet accessibility standards for all, on a platform that is managed by CITI where you don’t need to worry about updates or maintenance – we will manage that on your behalf.  It will grow into a comprehensive resource centre with input from our partners to ensure that it meets the exact needs of our community of professionals.

We welcome the opportunity to show you more. For a full demonstration please complete the form below, or send us an email

To see a demonstration, get in touch!

Contact Form Demo (#1)